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Social Media Posts Archive
Payments of the Future
Johnny was about seven years old the first time he handled a transaction entirely on his own. Money wasn't entirely new to him of course. He had a wallet, knew about things having costs at shops, and he even knew some history. He'd heard something about the age of repurposing, even something about the great...
Maybe we should vote?
So the backstory here is that I received a handwritten letter from a "James", delivered with the US post office, who advised me to vote. The author didn't tell me who or what to vote for, just that they felt strongly that I should try to make my voice heard by voting. Maybe we should...
Smallblockism Explained
At this point, the story is ancient history. The August 2017 fork creating BCH and the following market action were basically the conclusion of what some people called "a debate in the community" as to how big bitcoin blocks should be. In the earliest days it was thought that the 1MB block limit was just...
Bitcoin is Vegan
Yeah sure, apart from the obvious fact that bitcoin doesn't contain animal protein, the statement doesn't immediately make a lot of sense. The V word is an adjective which describes food, bitcoin isn't food, therefore we have a non-starter. But wait. People sometimes use "Vegan" to describe other people, even when those other people aren't...
Bitcoin is Toast
Suppose you have an average 1200 watt toaster. Using this for 10 minutes will use 0.2 kWh of energy, costing you around 2 USD cents or about 100 satoshi (assuming here an average electrical energy cost of 10 USD cents per kWh). Keep in mind however that you aren't alone. Lets say for the sake...
Why musicians don't want your money and other lessons learned
What good is a blog other than to expose the ignorance of its author? Precious little perhaps. So today we are going to look back at a piece which appeared here naively predicting that artists and musicians would start publishing an address so people could send them money. What have we learned in the last...
Top errors made by bitcoin toxicalists
In general we don't like pushing errors to the stop of the stack, preferring to push the gems and roses to the top. However we have had some mileage in this channel by pointing out some of the top errors people make when talking about bitcoin. So without further ado here are some of the...
Satoshis per joule - Round 6
It's that time again! There's been a halving of coinbase reward and some changes in price and tech, so lets take another look at the energy market and how it relates to bitcoin mining. We've done this 5 times before in this channel dating back to 2015. So, the latest S19 antminer advertises 30 J/TH...
On Moneyness, Seigniorage, and finding linguistic common ground
Jia Yung Lee tells us in a blog post that: "Until the Crypto community takes feedback from “outsiders” seriously and make efforts to improve the onboarding process of new users, the Crypto community will continue to be an echo chamber." He's not wrong. And in the spirit of that piece comes a remarkable blog post...