Balete tree

This tree is said to be 1,328 years old, way before the Spaniards discovered the Philippines in 1521 and named the country after King Phillip II of Spain. The tree can be found in Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, in the Philippines. This tree is also known as a "Balete" or "Banyan" tree. Scientifically speaking, "a...

Accusing Fiat

(Part 2 of a Point-Counterpoint Series) In part one "Defending Fiat" we saw how fiat currency was not only a reasonable idea, but also how we are compelled to use it. In this part we will give the opposing opinion, which is that accepting fiat currency is an immoral criminal act which should be punishable...

Hilary Putnam: "The Best of All Possible Brains?"

The Best of All Possible Brains? Date: November 20, 1994, Sunday, Late Edition - FinalByline: By Hilary Putnam;Lead: SHADOWS OF THE MIND A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness. By Roger Penrose. Illustrated. 457 pp. New York: Oxford University Press. $25.Text: IN 1961, John Lucas -- an Oxford philosopher known for espousing controversial views -- published a paper in...

H.L.Mencken quotes

[From] Today (September 12th) is H.L. Mencken’s birthday. The “Sage of Baltimore” (pictured above) was born in 1880 and is regarded by many as one of the most influential American journalists, essayists, and writers of the early 20th century. To recognize the great political writer on his birthday, here are 12 of my favorite Mencken quotes: Every...

全链盟每日区块链 12月31日

1.工信部信息化和软件服务业司将大力推动区块链和经济社会深度融合 2,DeFi项目锁仓价值8.91亿美元,过去一周环比增加2.37% 3.火币CTO程显峰将离职 4.瀛和律师机构、达瓴智库发布《法律行业区块链2020年度报告》 5.央行:出台个人金融信息保护、区块链等金融科技系列监管规则 6 芯动科技副总裁:仍有300万台S9还未被淘汰 让一亿人了解区块链丛书《对话区块链》由吕志宽与清华出版社出版。 数字经济之父,唐·塔普斯科特推荐。 欢迎购买,转发,传阅。 京东地址: 全链盟---让一亿人了解区块链

Defending Fiat

(Part one of a point-counterpoint series) Fiat currency might seem odd at first to a physicist new to this game, as fiat evades physical or laboratory-verifiable definition. There is no public ledger to look up a bank account dollar on to see it's history, and no assay which we can perform to tell us how...

全链盟每日区块链 12月23日

1. 比特币安全专家:代币混合服务CoinJoin的合法性取决于管辖权 2. 德勤:正在探索抵抗量子攻击方法 3. 中国投资协会数字资产研究中心正式成立,将促进中国数字资产和区块链发展 4. Coingecko CEO:DeFi将继续强劲增长,但也需注意风险 5. 央行副行长:人民银行五年前启动了数字货币的研究和法定数字货币的研发 6. 数字资产研究院常务副院长:全国3万多家区块链企业,96%未真实开展业务 让一亿人了解区块链丛书《对话区块链》由吕志宽与清华出版社出版。 数字经济之父,唐·塔普斯科特推荐。 欢迎购买,转发,传阅。 京东地址: 全链盟---让一亿人了解区块链

Top three reasons to use cryptocurrency

Seeing as you found yourself here, it seems quite likely you know all this already. Lets tread this well worn path as an exercise and see if we can learn something along the way. Why should we use cryptocurrency? The three biggest reasons are : Convenience (this includes security, ease of use, and time) Politics...