On the Resolution of the Bitcoin Experiment

Sometimes people get overextended in a space and the pressure becomes difficult to take.  Reddit rage sets in.  That's the take-home message I got from Mike Hearn's recent post.  That being said it brings up some points I will comment on, carefully taking the author out of context. From the start, I’ve always said the...


Some of you may be aware of a project called "therealbitcoin" and some of its development history.  Over the last few days I forked the project, dropped in the woodcoin genesis block, genesis merkle root, the skein woodcutting algorithm, the logarithmic supply curve, the relevant difficulty adjust parameters, and the magic header code:   unsigned...

Rationalizing Copyrasty

So you're probably thinking, why on God's green Earth would anybody want to rationalize such a depraved and deplorable activity as copyrasty?  Surely those who claim to own a number or claim the right to forbid people from trading things in mutual consent, are parasitic imbeciles dragging back humanity.  Well, yes, of course. That being...


<funkenstein_> the "china likes litecoin" story doesn't get much airplay <funkenstein_> 中国喜欢莱特币 <funkenstein_> instead it's always "volume on chinese exchanges is fake" <funkenstein_> well yeah, all volume numbers on private exchanges are suspect <funkenstein_> and all exchanges that i know of are private <funkenstein_> BUT STILL, check this out <funkenstein_> use 30 day numbers, sum...

One of my favorite C sharp programs

[edit-snip snip] Anyway to make a long story short I started doing a bit of C sharp recently: Take a close look at that key signature.  Go ahead, count them.  That's right.  Seven motherfucking sharps.  "But wait"  I hear you say.  "There's only five accidentals in an octave!".  Yeah, very observant of you.  But you...

Race differences in cognitive ability - bwahahaha

Introduction Dear reader I've been led to believe the internet loves failure.  Well I found one.  It's a big failure, so lets take it apart here for amusement.  This is not your garden variety, "walked into a wall" failure.  It is more of a "was told to go North and walked into a wall to...

msats per joule

So how much for your energy? Well down the road they are selling me hydrocarbons for burning at a price of [1] Simple enough wouldn't you say? [2] So a Joule is a unit of energy equal to 5 millisatoshi. OK now let's go look at ASICs for two seconds: SP35 - Yukon Power  0.66W/GH/s Network...

Bitcoin is AI some more

Special thanks to Travis Patron of Diginomics for expressing an interest in my “Bitcoin is AI” article and soliciting this response.  This gives me an opportunity to expand further on my vision of proof of work consensus networks as a breakthrough in artificial intelligence research. You may want to reread part I to follow along....

Descent from Mt. Fiat

Descent from Mt. Fiat - Via Market Arrete (Class IV, WI3, 8-20 years, full rack) If you've been a high mountain beak bagger, you know the drill.  You look around, you take a few pictures.  Yes, this was your goal.  But what are you doing here really?  This is a dangerous place to hang out. ...

Don't interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake

So, you may have heard something about various folks going around claiming they are going to ban encryption.  If you have any idea about what communication is of course, you find this extremely amusing.  Basically, these folks are standing up on podiums and saying something along the lines of: "Hi!  I'd like to be important,...