Bitcoin Emissions

If we step back for a minute from our cryptocurrency focus and look at a different picture, one in which our concern is survival of life on Earth,  then these recent headlies do provide an interesting turn of events in the dialog concerning climate change and predicting the course of the anthropocene era. The bigger context...

How will the miners get paid?

I've always been a big fan of Rick Falkvinge's work.  His attendance at the Prague bitcoin conference in 2011 is part of what made me attend.  And everybody who has thought about the issue knows he is dead right about so-called intellectual property law and how it is a lead weight tied to the leg...

Rat Poison

Five years ago in May of 2013 Charlie Munger quipped when asked about bitcoin that "I think it's rat poison".  You might be surprised to hear me say it but we should listen carefully to Charlie Munger et al., and that indeed there are a few ways that bitcoin is rat poison.  So it's been...

150 billion funbux

It hardly seems noteworthy I know, you are disappointed already that I might have even noticed that this story had risen in media outlets.  The story is that Jeff Bezos of Amazon has 150 billion dollars worth of stock.  In the linked article Annie Lowry does a good job of giving respects, pointing out that...

Issuance Malfeasance

  What is the problem that cryptocurrencies solve?   ..asks the noted economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman [link]. We have addressed this question before in this forum.  The question today is how somebody could be a serious scholar of economics, or even open ones eyes in any populated area of the planet, and...

Why premines are not not ideal for a currency

This post is part of the "stuff we thought was dead obvious" series.  The series includes "How racists are dumb", and "How rapists are despicable morons" and "Shooting yourself can be dangerous" along with the classics "water is wet" and "the Earth is an oblate spheroid". Five or ten years ago I would not have...

What's the monetary policy?

Lets take a moment to remember that the great advantage to a public coin is that the monetary policy is public.  This means we don't have to take somebody's word for how much currency is being issued and at what rate, but we can verify it ourselves.  The idea is that this can help eliminate...

There can be only one

Hello everyone!  Today's post is mostly about the psychology that might lead one to such a broken conclusion. The concept that every object has a use value and an exchange value was described and expanded upon by various philosophers like Aristotle, later Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and so many others who seem to have...