A while ago I reported here a short list of incorrect statements about coin that we unfortunately tend to repeat. There is one that I left off the list. Perhaps I left it off because it deserves it's own post. "Bitcoin is Inefficient" We are surrounded right now by such gross inefficiencies it boggles the...
Category: Uncategorized
It appears that what I thought to be an unoriginal mention of uncontroversial logic may have somehow offended some folks. My apologies if I have misspoken. It's unlikely to be of great use to expound further, but it does give me a chance to retell a story. The story seems unlikely to me at present,...
Altcoin Proposal. Randompay (ticker RND) features a revolutionary way to continually challenge and thus keep the health of your economy. Every payment is subject to a Markov process adjustment at the mining of the block. The payer signs a transaction as normally but the successful hash itself decides a random gaussian shift in the ledger...
The four enemies of knowledge
<from Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan" 1968> Sunday, 15 April 1962 As I was getting ready to leave, I decided to ask him once more about the enemies of a man of knowledge. I argued that I could not return for some time, and it would be a good idea to write down what...
Intelligence is caused by big feet; obesity by genetics
You may have some idea in your mind that things like cancer, intelligence, and obesity are in some way caused by genetics. By the time you are done reading this post, I hope you will no longer labour under this gross misconception. First off, repeat after me: correlation is not causation. Go ahead, say it...
Bitcoin's killer app
Everyone seems to have a story about the killer app. So here's mine. Let's start with a brief introduction. The app. The application. It's a fancy word to describe a packaged program, some software you interact with to do something or other. A program is a sequence of instructions that operates on a computer. Still...
Whither Fedcoin?
"Can you spare a FedMillie or a USDsat for a struggling blogger? You know it's hard to get by since the Chairman reduced block rewards again." In light of recent discussion in a Canadian Senate Committee, we bring up this tired old question. This one is often asked in various forums by folks as they...
On Chumponomics
This post began with the title "Fiat economics". This however seemed like too much of an oxymoron to leave in place. "Fiat dynamics" was briefly the title as well. In the end, I went with Chumponomics. For relevant etymology you might want to read this. Fiat dynamics is an odd subject to study in today's...
Roses float in shit
Did you know roses float in shit? It's not just that roses float on top of shit, it's that there is a massive river of shit orders of magnitude larger in flux than the miniscule amount of roses that appear, pouring over the roses continually, and yet they still rise to the surface. If they...
“The Majority is Enough”
Abstract: About a year after Ittay Eyal published two papers claiming vulnerabilities in the bitcoin mining protocol, we have seen that the network is still strong (it has grown in hashpower many times over) and is unaffected by the supposed problems. I show here the biggest reasons the two vulnerability analyses were flawed. The attacks...