Hello everyone! If you're heard of fiat money, you've probably also heard that fiat money is created as debt. New fiat money is issued (created) and somebody is now in debt, this means there will always be more debt and never enough to pay back the interest, the interest rates paid on new currency are...
Social Media Posts Archive
The Environmental Case against Fiat
Here the general purpose "environmental" term refers to the conditions of life. Things like biodiversity, arable land, and sustainable ecosystems. We're talking about the prerequisites for life. If you like to assume this means human life that's fine because the prerequisites to human life directly include a huge portion of the body of life on...
Technology and Clusterfucknology
Hello Everyone! We're going to talk briefly about Wirth's law and related issues we face as citizens of the TriMetropolis of Cruftopolis, the Crufty City, and El Crufto, under the flag of the Clusterfuck Nation. So if you haven't heard of Wirth's law, please do check up on that link. That's right, software "gets worse"...
The grand fiat experiment in 2019
Hello everyone! Thanks to a nice article from the New York "Empire State" Times we have some incentive to do our own little review of the grand experiment. What is the grand experiment you might ask? Well the grand experiment is, simply put, a decision made officially in the United States in the year 1971...
Beyond the Doomsday Economics
This post is a review of the Bank of International Settlements working paper #765, by request. At first it doesn't look like anything that interesting to dive into but because there's a public request for a review here so hey why not. First some background, by way of an apology over my own bias entering...
Possession make you rich?
你看这个博客的时候你已经知道比特币的软件有一个代码行: static const int64 COIN = 100000000; 为什么这个数字? 在中国或者日本这是自然的数字:亿 比特比和别的公共币都也给我们: 自由,平安,发展,富强,公正,法治,诚信。 在中本聪是一个人了解社会,了解数学,非常聪明也谦卑也觉得一亿是一个数字很容易记得。这个人喜欢禁止发行货币的腐败。听说他是中国人。 然后,你现在看了人穿衬衫上写的: 中本聪是黒人,中本聪是女人 都真的。中本聪也是一个中国人。一个黑女中国人对吧? 谢谢你
The seven deadly paradoxes of cryptocurrency
John Lewis of bankunderground.co.uk has given us a great collection of popular misconceptions about public coin with his recent post there. Sure some might quibble with his use of the word "paradox" but as studying apparent paradoxes can be a great way to discover our own misconceptions and improve our understanding of the world the...
Bitcoin is Socialist, Return of the Son Of
A couple of years ago we swallowed the red pill (nyuck nyuck) and we wound up discovering here with a couple of blog posts that bitcoin is socialist (1) (2). This discovery started out with allowing for a broadening of the definition of the term "socialism". Sure, if you put some constraints on the syllables...
The complete story of price inflation in the last century
Abstract: The total amount of wealth that has been taken by currency issuers over the last century is usually estimated at about 95%. This estimate is based on data of price inflation, which given enough time will reflect the monetary supply inflation (issuance) created by issuers. We show here that this estimate is off by...