The money supply curve of fiat currency is discretionary; the supply is added to at will by the issuers, for whatever reasons they deem necessary. This addition is usually made in private, in amounts unverifiable by the users of the currency. While such a system is a boon to the issuers and has the ability...
Social Media Posts Archive
Math Blog Roll
Of course you're all familiar with the youtube channels of numberphile, mathloger, 3blue1brown, vsauce, and vihart, to mention a few excellent independent publishers. Maybe you'd also like to check out these sites, which I link here in a thinly veiled attempt to save them so I can find them again later. &...
The Killer Robots That Weren’t
Part 1: The AI Future Will Be Comforting and Amazing As I got deeper and deeper into this subject, I realized that it will make a fine series. So here is part one, an introduction. For just a minute, let’s set aside the luddite scaremongering and talk of SkyNet. Let’s accept the fact that we,...
Overvalued Bitcoin Finally Gets Under Itself
Rejoice! The Bitcoin price is finally dropping again. All the same: the blockchain future is fast approaching, it seems, but it doesn’t look anything like what anyone predicted – or so it seems. We in altcoin land appreciate these windows of sanity, as millionaires and billionaires burn their coins off as part of their tax...
Dmitry Orlov: Why Capitalists Hate Socialism
Editor: The following content is by Dmitry Orlov and is republished without his permission. The author deserves some free publicity. If you like the article, as you should, go and check out his patreon page: He's got a lot of articles there better than this one. Why do Capitalists hate Socialism? There is currently...
全链盟每日区块链 9月22日 周日
1.北京互联网法院今日宣布,该院完成首例“公证机构+区块链”委托现场调查2.经济学家曹和平:可基于区块链技术打造具有商业服务器性质的物流园区3.币安研究院:央行政策选取与比特币价格存在弱相关性4.日本东京都消费综合中心披露虚拟货币传销等欺诈活动信息,咨询件数较去年减少16.1%5.英国斯特拉特福德市政厅曾遭勒索软件攻击,并支付了10枚比特币赎金6.白宫科技创新顾问尤福林称,美、欧正在悄悄推进法律以建立区块链技术的基础设施让一亿人了解区块链丛书《对话区块链》由吕志宽与清华出版社出版。数字经济之父,唐·塔普斯科特推荐。 欢迎购买,转发,传阅。京东地址:全链盟---让一亿人了解区块链Content source: WoodcoinChina WeChat group.
全链盟每日区块链 9月21日 周六
1.央行将支持金融机构在临港新片区设金融科技公司,探索区块链技术2.中国新闻文化促进会李东东:5G与区块链等技术的结合将改变传媒业态和发展格局3.中化能源智能化物流港信息平台正式发布,其将传统石化仓储业与区块链等先进技术结合4.吉尔吉斯斯坦将切断45家挖矿企业的电力供应,因其消耗了该国三个地区的电力5.加拿大资产管理公司Wave Financial推出首个基于比特币衍生品收益的基金6.特朗普会见Facebook CEO扎克伯格,就相关监管问题进行讨论让一亿人了解区块链丛书《对话区块链》由吕志宽与清华出版社出版。数字经济之父,唐·塔普斯科特推荐。 欢迎购买,转发,传阅。京东地址:全链盟---让一亿人了解区块链 Content from WoodcoinChina wechat group : 木币中国群
Satoshi Baggins
Little Satoshe Nakamoto Goold was born in medium sized hobbit house, to a normal hobbit family in Bagholder's End, towards the East side of the Shire. She had six siblings at the time of her birth, a number that fluctuated somewhat due to her mother's great beauty and fertility, as well as the habits of...
全链盟每日区块链 9月15日 周日
1.民生银行广州分行利用区块链等新技术提高资金使用效率。 2.孙宇晨:“与巴菲特午餐”疑似推迟至2020年 3.法国和德国呼吁欧洲央行就可能的公共数字货币解决方案展开工作 4.德国执政联盟正试图阻止启动类似Libra的区块链项目 5.欧洲央行执委:需要对数字货币采取全球化方式,需开始考虑设立央行数字货币 6.法国财长:数字货币需要共同的框架,欧洲应考虑创建一种公共数字货币 让一亿人了解区块链丛书《对话区块链》由吕志宽与清华出版社出版。 数字经济之父,唐·塔普斯科特推荐。 欢迎购买,转发,传阅。 京东地址: 全链盟---让一亿人了解区块链 (Content taken from WoodcoinChina wechat group)
Maybe Hell Is Just Another Pair of Handcuffs
We've always got to keep in mind what we're doing around here: trying to build a cryptocurrency. Now, if you want to sync even faster, you can download a bootstrap file from Pretty cool, no? We've been working hard on creating some easier options for our desktop Linux users, as well. The next step,...