Addressing the premine

If you've been following the rise of public coins, you have probably heard the term "premine".  In a public coin, the money supply is public - thus anyone can see when and how all the money was created.  Traditionally, if monetary tokens were distributed before the transactions began on the network, before the transaction validation...

Spirals in Time

Mea Culpa: I don't have an electronic version to share and confirm that I read it.  You'll just have to find this book on your own and confirm we read the same thing yourself. "Spirals in Time: The secret life and curious life of seashells" By Helen Scales What a great book!  Helen Scales has...

Navigating the Post-Dunning-Kruger era

If you've never heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect, you are in the pre-Dunning-Kruger era.  Of course you probably already knew that there was a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons profess superiority, but you didn't know that it was called "the Dunning-Kruger effect".  Knowing the popular name for the thing, irrespective of Stigler's law...

Don't get Zhou Tonged or How to Run a Margin Shop

It's pretty simple really.  People who are trading on margin are gambling.  If you run a casino, you are trying to maximize  your profit.  If you run a margin shop, you have a list of all the current folks and their bets, including knowing various points at which they will have margin calls and liquidations. ...

Top 5 errors in bitcoin reportage - volume 2

A little over a year ago we looked at the top 5 things reporters get wrong about bitcoin.  Things have improved somewhat, but not a lot.  You can still find a few high profile pieces a week written about bitcoin by people who clearly never used the currency regularly or gave much thought about it...

C sharp some more

We looked at some C# code about 6 months ago.  I was very happy with the way it turned out. I learned the program and I run it regularly, the thing sits nicely in permanent ROM.  Turns out it isn't very difficult after all, even for an amateur noob like me.  So, why not try...

What is bitcoin disrupting?

Hello everyone! Many words have been spoken of the disruptive power of public coin. Public coin cannot be counterfeit; certainly a remarkable invention and one with great power.  One that enables people to escape systemic fraud and disenfranchisement of the fiat era along with various other sad practices which have plagued middle earth. A tool...

The rise of the bitcoin hash rate - an analogy for hash smokers

How can we visualize the rise of computing power on the bitcoin network?  We need something more common in people's lives than hashing power.  So, how about: hash?  That's right, hashish.  Lets go with it and see if the analogy helps. We'll look at the hash rate of the network and compare it to a...